Click the Hosting Features menu item if it is not already open.
Click the Htaccess menu item.
Click the [ Index Management ] link for the directory you’d like to manage.
In the “Default Index Files” text box, enter a list of default index files, on per line. This setting affects when a browser requests a URL that ends in a ‘/’ (a directory). Apache will use this list of files to determine which file to serve. Apache will serve the first file found in the list, from top to bottom.
Set the desired behavior for the “Directory Listing” field. This setting affects when a browser requests a URL that ends in a ‘/’ (a directory), and no Default Index files are found. If set to ‘No’, the browser will receive a ’403 Forbidden’ response. If set to ‘Yes’, the browser will list the contents of the directory. If set to ‘Inherited’, the setting will be inherited from a parent directory.
Set the desired listing style for the “Directory Listing Style” field. This setting affects how the directory listing will be displayed. If set to ‘Simple Listing’, a simple directory list of files will be displayed. If set to ‘Fancy Listing’, a directory list of files along with timestamps and filesizes will be displayed. If set to ‘Inherited’, the setting will be inherited from a parent directory.
Click the UPDATE button.